منوی غذای 112 ساله تایتانیک در شبکه‌های اجتماعی سر و صدا به پا کرد- این چیزی است که مسافران درجه یک و دو و سه می‌خوردند!

کشتی تایتانیک، اوج انقلاب صنعتی و آرزو‌های ثروتمندترین‌ها، در‌آوریل 1912 با تعدادی از ثروتمندترین افراد، با 2240 سرنشین، به حرکت در آمد. کشتی اقیانوس پیما از خط کشتی‌رانی وایت استار بریتیش سه کلاس مجزا داشت – اول، دوم و سوم. طبقه اول شامل ثروتمندترین افراد در سال 1912 بود، از جمله اعضای اشراف بریتانیا و […]

یک نگاه نادر به کشور مرموز کره شمالی به کمک پهپادی که یک عکاس در مرز این کشور چند سال پیش به پرواز درآورده بود

یک عکاس پهپاد خود را در آسمان کره شمالی به پرواز درآورده و تصاویر جذابی از این کشور ثبت کرده است. در پستی که در 28 مارس منتشر شد، کاربر ردیت به نام XiaoHao2 مجموعه‌ای از عکس‌های کمیاب را که در سال 2020 گرفته بود به اشتراک گذاشته . او از چین و منطقه Dandong […]

Ways to Speak Up and Overcome Shyness at Work

Here are some strategies to help you speak up and overcome shyness at work: 1. Recognize Your Value Start by recognizing your worth and the unique perspective you bring to the table. Remind yourself that your ideas, insights, and contributions are valuable, regardless of your shyness. Understanding your worth can boost your confidence and give […]

How not to think about work issues after finishing work?

It’s natural for thoughts about work to persist after finishing for several reasons: 1. Transition Period After work, your mind needs time to transition from the tasks and responsibilities of the workday to your personal life. This transition period can involve processing the events of the day, mentally reviewing unfinished tasks, and mentally preparing for […]

The best horror series and why we watch horror series?

People watch horror series for a variety of reasons, which can vary depending on individual preferences and psychological factors. Here are some common reasons why people are drawn to horror series: 1. Thrills and Excitement Horror series often provide an adrenaline rush and a sense of excitement that comes from being scared. The suspenseful atmosphere, […]

Is talking to yourself a sign of mental problems?

Talking to oneself, also known as self-talk or soliloquy, is a common behavior that many people engage in from time to time. While talking to oneself may seem unusual or even concerning to some, it is typically a normal and harmless behavior. However, in some cases, excessive or compulsive self-talk may be a symptom of […]

How to Stop Lying?

Lying is a complex and pervasive aspect of human behavior that has been present throughout history and across cultures. While lying can sometimes be seen as a harmless or even necessary strategy for self-preservation or social interaction, it can also have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole. In this guide, we’ll explore […]

Guide to writing a book

Writing a book can be a rewarding and fulfilling creative endeavor, but it also requires dedication, discipline, and careful planning. Whether you’re a seasoned author or embarking on your first writing project, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you navigate the writing process from start to finish. From generating […]

Guide to quickbooks

QuickBooks is a powerful accounting software that helps businesses of all sizes manage their finances, track expenses, generate invoices, and streamline financial operations. Whether you’re a small business owner, freelancer, or accountant, QuickBooks offers a range of features and tools to simplify bookkeeping tasks and improve financial visibility. In this guide, we’ll explore the key […]

Guide to quitting social media

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering connection, entertainment, and information at our fingertips. However, excessive use of social media can have negative impacts on mental health, productivity, and overall well-being. If you’re considering quitting social media, you’re not alone. Many people have found that stepping […]

عکس‌هایی که نشان می‌دهند در آخر، این طبیعت است که جای انسان‌های مغرور را می‌گیرد!

انسان‌ها در مقایسه با تاریخ کره خاکی فقط برای دقیقه‌ای بر روی آن زیسته‌اند. تاثیر عظیم آنها بر روی کره زمین با نابودی جنگل‌ها و ساخت شهرها و نیروگاه‌ها و روشن کردن تاریکی شب و ساخت ابرشهرها و بناهای عظیم، کتمان‌نشدنی است. اما تصور کنید که ناگهان انسان‌ها نیست شوند. تصور می‌کنید که طبیعت بیکار […]

20 عکس تامل‌برانگیز از هانا پسکووا که تکاپوی کودکان کار را نشان می‌دهد

در بسیاری از کشورهای دنیا، علیرغم این همه پیشرفت فناوری و پیشرفت قوانین و وضعیت کلی اقتصادی، کودکان مجبور به کار هستند و نمی‌توانند از کودکی خود استفاده کنند و آن را صرف بازی و آموزش و رشد صحیح عاطفی یا تخیل کنند. عکاس این مجموعه –هانا پسکووا– عکس  در بنگلادش در سال 2018، حقیقت […]

Throne of Blood (1957) movie review & summary & introduction

“Throne of Blood” was produced in 1957 in Japan, during a period of significant creative output for its director, Akira Kurosawa. The film faced several challenges during production, including adverse weather conditions and logistical difficulties associated with filming on location. Additionally, the elaborate set designs and intricate costumes required careful attention to detail and meticulous […]